Mental Health and the Workplace...

We have all worked someplace where we weren't happy, or it wasn't good for us mentally but did you know?

The average person spends around 90,000 hours or one-third of their life at work, so it’s important to ensure we’re in a healthy mind space while there.  Maintaining positive mental health is critical to health and well-being. But it’s also important to our success at work and the success of our employers.  Managers take note...if your employee isn't happy your not getting what you are paying them to do!

Are aware that individuals struggling with mental health issues are at greater risk for a variety of health conditions. But did you know they're also at greater risk for disability, unemployment, and underemployment? 

Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect (this is not an all-inclusive list):

  • Job performance and productivity
  • Engagement with one’s work
  • Communication with coworkers
  • Physical capability and daily functioning

Are you working in a good mental health workplace?

What would you change to make it better?


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