Meet Woody aka The “PILW”

Back in January 2010 I was just coming out of a bad relationship with a controlling and manipulating man-child. He was a career firefighter and a waste of breathable air.  After 3 months with him, I found out he had been cheating on me.  I want to say I was heartbroken, but I was relieved.  I swore I would never date another firefighter again.

I decided to try out dating sites again....(I had tried E harmony and my closest match was 3 hours away from me.  You’re telling me that there is no other sarcastic, fun-loving, with ok looks within 25 miles of me?)  I signed up for a site called Plenty of Fish. I received A LOT of responses. The first message was always nice, and then the second one would come.  So what position is your favorite?  My response was always “Upright on my couch eating ice cream alone” NEXT!!

As I was scrolling I came across a profile.  I KNOW THIS GUY! Yet I don’t know him.  I know I know him from somewhere.  This guy is 50 miles from me I selected only 25 miles.  Weird!  I saved his profile because I’ll eventually message him.  Not a day later I receive a message from this handsome devil (I swear to this day that I knew him before we met).  We exchanged numbers and spent the next evening on the phone for 3 hours.  Then it comes up…. I’m a firefighter….  hop back to the beginning where I swore I would NEVER date another firefighter again.  Well, I changed my tune quickly.

We set up our first date for him to come to pick me up from work and go to dinner.  First thing was first, we’re going to get that first kiss out of the way.  From the moment I kissed him, I knew he was meant for me. Within 3 months we were engaged and on our 1yr dating anniversary, we were married.  This is my second marriage and his 3rd. 

Just so everyone knows our anniversary is April 1st.  Of course, I love to tell him all the time that the joke was on him!  The best is when I everyone that 3rd time is a charm, thankfully I'm only on #2!

You may also be scratching your head.  

What does “PILW” stand for?  I always see, oh my boyfriend this, oh my husband that…. Then there’s me...The person I live with.  When I post fun stuff that I know will drive him crazy because no one is that jokingly mean to their husband…. You’re right, but I am to the person I live with! 

We have definitely had our ups and downs. There are times I feel a pillow over his face might help with his snoring.  I know you’re reading this Woody, and YES honey you do snore!  I on the other hand do not. I just sing like a pig in my sleep.  There is a difference!

He is my everything.  After our accident (that story is for another time) he spent the first 3 months taking care of me.  Waited on me hand and foot, and only complained a few times.


This April we’re celebrating 12yrs of marriage.  I’m glad I broke my rule about not dating firefighters!  To this day we still have zero clue how we know each other.  God definitely put his picture in front of my eyes that day.  I thank God most days for bringing Woody into my life.  The other days I ask why?  Just kidding!  I love you, Woody!  1+1=1




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